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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Haix....this week is a super BUSY week!!! thats why i havent been blogging lately.Oh wells.... here's a recap of this week...

Monday 19 august 2007

haha...monday was FUNN!!! coz we had inter-class after PE today and it was all i was looking forward to =) And guess what...my orange nike shoes became happy and ithe bottom came out so it was happily flopping away.Whee!!!! So i borrowed Ruibin's shoes instead.And to commemorate me making his shoes proud...here are sum pics and the score was 2 wins out of 2 matches.YAY! hahaha

Me in Ruibin's Shoes
ruibin wearing my HAPPY SHOES!
Our HAppy feet! haha

9:59 PM

Monday, August 13, 2007

haha.Long time nvr blog already....
Today's accomplishment:

1. I sat through geog test!
2. My pw group worked hard=)
3. We finished TENG YE XIAN SHENG for chi( and it wasnt even that bad*olay*)
4. I umpired the netball game...unfortunately....i was outshined by wyner haix...i shall blow harder nxt time then maybe the whistle wun sound so sissy>.<
5. Yvonne, Lunjia, Joanne and i waited till 5.plus to find out that geog was cancelled..tsk( this is an accomplishment coz we bonded kies=))
6. After that yvonne and i stayed back and had night study with Hendrick till 9

P.S i managed to absorb things into my head.HIP HIP HURRAY!

LOl, today's night study was an eye opener...yvonne, hendrick and i were like studying and toking and managed to talk about damn random stuff . And the bugger kept making me tell whu likes him....* tsk.. got gf le dun c c so much heh...* I guess talking it was eye opening to talk with em...LOL i confessed to yvonne that i used to think she was damn dao, thats why the first few days of sch i din tok much to her...and the poor girl was wondering why i dao her=P

Btw...hendrick...really is not what i expected .Haha....i tot he looked like the type after school will go to jurong rd blk 123 to mix around then start gang fight.But apparently he can play the piano and the guitar....and is super nice to his gf (but nt nice to us coz he sae cnnt treat his gf the same as other girls mah...) lol *to HIM: hint hint...nw u noe ar...better treat me nicely hor...ltr i jealous=PP * I had this good impression of him tonite until 8 plus 9 when we were bout to leave...

Quoted directly from HENDRICK's mouth: " Oh My GOD! I BROKE A NAIL!"

lol.BIMBO~...i mean HIMBO~

YAY.Yvonne! I had a gud time with u today yay!

10:21 PM

Thursday, August 09, 2007

使 - tank

我不会怪你 对我的伪装
天使在人间是该藏 好翅膀
怎能让你 为了我被碰伤

你总能平复我不安 的夜晚
我才看见 它原来在前方

没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)
没有谁能取代你在我心上 (我心上)

小小的手掌 大大的力量
我一定也会像你 一样飞翔 (一样飞翔)

没有谁能把你抢离 我身旁 (我身旁)
你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)

没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)
你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)
拥有一个 专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望 Woo Wu Woo Ho~ Wu~ Ho

*I was looking at the mtv and i realised how much i loved the lyrics! lol* enjoy

11:00 PM

I feel really hurt...

Last sat was my sch's open house and he said that he would come and see me then pick me up...
I was elated and i even happily told Alycia and joanne repeatedly in the morning that my dar was coming...
Then he called me to tell me in a irritated tone that he was still buying shoes...
i really tried to control...i really did.I din breathe a word to him about my dissapointment.All i wanted was to meet him after all i din c or talk to him at all on Fri as he had sch service at fmss. Oh wells i noe that that very evening he had his sch's version of prom so he was rushing to get shoes. Bt it still hurt inside...
So bad that i went home alone and cried in the mrt...i felt so stupid that i pretended to yawn and wiped away my tears.
He saw my blog the next day and appologised to me.But i had to be so stupid to tell him partially how i feel.
He got so irritated that he told me he wished he was like Es...that he doesnt have to feel bad when he is out late...because, he said that i made him feel guilty for not being on the fone with me....
i was too stunned for words...
all those night i stayed up till 12 plus 1 just to wait for him to go home so that i could at least talk to him on the journey...
all those nights i stayed up even when he couldn't give me a timing of what time he is going home...
All those nights i waited
a few times in vain...
and all he could say was that he needs freedom.

So i went back and tried again.For the past few days...i din wait for him to finish his work to talk.
I just slept at 11 when im done with mine.
Then on weds, i thought they made plans to go gombak gym then come pick me up frm sch to go town together, in the end it din happen...i got happy for nothing.Oh wells, i guess there was no promise involved.
we went out to watch rush hour 3.
At first they wanted to eat after the movie but i needed to go home so i told the guys nvm, the girls go home first.Then dar insisted that he will send me home.So i said ok...in the end...he was so busy on the fone he couldnt leave es and mouse and the 3 girls just patiently waited for them to make arrangements until we got abit irritated...thus i just went home
with sy.Which is fine btw coz we live in the same block!!

About 10.30 he told me they were on the bus on their way to es's house to play overnight mahjong. So at 11 plus when i was about to slp i called him to sae good night and stuff. He told me that he just sent sum girl from his class home coz its on the way and she said her house der very dark.

Its unfair...he can leave es and mouse to send her home but not me...i got really upset last night but i din sae and i just cried myself to slp...
i woke up this morn feeling so bad that i din wanna go for pw meeting.But i guess it isnt fair to em if i put my emotions in the way.

When i rched his house i was feeling better but looking at him, last night came back...infact, the whole week came back... i really wanted to cry...its so unfair...

i ended up emoing so we kinda got into a tiff...he kept repeating that its not as if he wanted to...he kept asking me what i want him to do...
but i really duno... it got bad and i left but i ended up at his void deck coz i was so tired i din wanna walk anymore...

by some way i ended up at his house again and everything was fine...i happily went home...
and happily ate pizza(with abit of guilt)
Happy...until i was stupid again...just a few minutes ago, i had to go mention last night on the fone... I said that i din think going to commonwealth to send her home was counted as on the way... he agreed as well.

he said that its not as if he din wanna fetch me coz he knew that she was going to go home and so that he could fetch her....or sth like dat...i think...but the bottom line is that he did send her home and out of the way too

... i can forget...oh dear, pls just knock my head and let me go back to the start....

but i cnt forgive easily...

I try not to be affected...but everyword he saes and everything he does just have this huge impact on me... everytime im with him i feel so small...i like feeling small... but sometimes...soo small...so small that i feel insignificant...

When will my one litre of tears be used finished?

i love you

10:12 PM

Lol.HappyNational Day everyone!!! here's a flag for u=)

Lol.Watched Rush Hour 3 with My besties (minus rah rah) then the 6 of us ended up cam whoring at PS and The Cathay. I LOVE EM!!!! muack muack muack!!!

i love you

9:57 PM

Saturday, August 04, 2007

At the Beginning- Richard Marx and Donna Lewis

We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through
Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me, I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start

And life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turningI
'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

And life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you
Knew there was somebody somewhere
I need love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing is going to tear us apart
And life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Life is a road now and forever wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you

Life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
Oh oh ohStarting out on a journey
Life is a road and I wanna keep goin'
Love is a river I wanna keep flowin'
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning
With you

11:42 PM

today's post:

Happy 12th bdae HUN!

IN the morning had to wake u[ at 8 to get to the NDP ceremony thingy...haix... lol thank god al and enoch were there. Coz all schools in our neighbourhood had to send in students to attend so i guess got abit of atmosphere...if u get ehat i mean...Even the kindergarten sent kids okay.DAMN CUTE.Even enoch tried to act cute... unfortunately i cnt put up his cutey pic coz if i did. I'd be dead...squashed to death actually. (he used bernard as a threat...grrr... but bernard wun hurt girls ... will he? hmmm... smile=) )

I had open house today and i was doing ushering so i guess it was really tiring.But i guess it was quite fun spending time with your teammates and frens=)

Bel and i fin our mahjong game and beat JUNLIANG! Who apparently admitted his incompetency in Mahjong game at about 8 pm tonight.HAHA!

*I felt dissapointed...i really did... *

i love you

11:26 PM

3rd Aug- friday

Happy 11th bdae hun!!!!

My lao shi's granpa passed away thus she wasnt in school.In the end, yvonne, lunjia, jo, al and i were the only ones int he classroom studying( guan ri and enoch joined us later). I helped lun jia french plait her hair and we were so happy bout it!! yay yay! and hendrick had to burst our bubble by saying its not nice coz its messy. and i was like"....eh.... i tie one ley....." haix... but in the end i retied it and it look good.Haha. now we agreed with each other to tie french plaits on monday! whee!

jo, me, lunjia, yvonne, al


french please!

jo and the donuts i helped her buy.Notice how she is TRYING to be cute like the smiley?=))

Then after econs till trng was a good one hr plus away so al, michelle, farah, yong yuan, ruibin and i stayed at the econs class supposingly to do work...however, in the end we started talking about evrything else.HAha SCARY MOVIE RAWKS!

al acting cute-ish

i din get to see him today although its supposedly chyeaik week coz he has service today at his secondary school. IN the end he only rched home and tok to me around 11 plus....haix and i waited so late just to talk to him and the nxt day nida wake up at 6 coz i have to attend sum national day bla bla thing 99 students from other classes....yawnz...i was really tired but i managed to keep myself awake by continuing to pack the sweets for open house tomorrow....

i love you

11:09 PM

2nd aug - thurs

actually i cnt remember much of what happened today...until after school

I met chye at town coz sat is his founder's day dinner so i helped him pick out clothes. Cos he wanted a white ensemble we were scurrying up and down taka to find.And finally, giordanno shirt and jacket, topman pants and adidas sneakers=) not bad if i may sae so myself=)

* i'll post a pic of his clothes real real soon!*

11:04 PM

1st August- Weds

hmmm... weds was a really short day and I tell u.The econs remedial teacher rocks!!!! he is damn good at explaining. Even the picky Hendrick was enthusiastic about going to see him!!!!

Actually i had a lil tiff with joanne during maths clas and i think everyone heard. But thank god by the end of the day it was alright( fast alrdy considering maths class was our last class=P )

Well...as for trng... at least we managed to play 3 on 3. It was fun. think the girls are improving! jia you jia you!!! so that by next year we can really call ourselves a ccA!!!

i love you

10:55 PM

Boo! today is the 13th day of CHYE AIK fortnight! Happy 12th Birthday!!!

ive been busy for the past week hence a lack of post.But im bacckk!=)

31st July- tues

( dun be faked by this happy picture.Jo was actually choking me at that moment. coz i wanted to drop her but she wouldnt let go... tsk tsk...bad girl)

Ah ma and i went to the library to study.It was condusive rite ah ma? lol i think we were talking a lil too loud about econs for the ppl around us.

Wah! ah ma!!! ur bag is super duper ultra heavy!!

coz that poor girl was dragging her bag all the way to queenstown library, so i helped her carry it frm the mrt station to the library.Seriously its heavy.And recently she just weighed her bag and it was actually 8 kg! Wah... such a traditional ah ma...still believe in the never changing worth of gold...

The library was FREEZING so after we finished our work i we went to the toilet to keep warm haha and ended up taking pics der instead=)

jo and her practised mega watt smile=)

Huiyu's anti double chin shot=))

Huiyu's Make-jo-look-taller shot=)))
after that i chye came over and he was playing psp while i ran at the stadium. We attempted to study after dat but i we were both distracted by different books.So the day ended with chye aik sending me home and us watching the 9 pm show at my house with my bros.Lovely day aint it?=)

i love you

10:15 PM